Thursday, August 29, 2013


I know I know it's been a while.  9 weeks ago now I decided to enlist in some help with my weight loss. I have a cousin who's wife just started a gym and is a fitness coach. She offered distance coaching to people who would like to use her services but are not in the area. I decided to give it a try. While people gave me a hard time that it was allot of money to spend on only 8 weeks and a coach that would not be working right with you, I looked at it as an investment, something that will be with me for the long haul and hopefully FOREVER. I think under 20 bucks a week is worth it.  So with this program each week she gave me a nutritional habit to work on and she had given me strength and cardio workouts to do 5 days a week. I also had signed up for my first 5k(the color vibe) so we were working on getting me running.

 So when I joined I was right around 300.  



 This was about June 26th.

Now I am all done with the program. It was great! I loved what I learned my body could do. I never would try a plank when it came up on a work out. Now I can do a 30 second hold.  I love running. I am not fast and I can't run the whole time but I really enjoy it. I love going with out A as it gives me alone time.  I am also done with my first 5k which turned out not to be a true 5k it was only 2.6 miles and it kind of disappointed me to learn it was not the whole 3.1 miles. It was still an amazing feeling to come around that last corner and have people cheering you on.




A and I after the Color Vibe 



Here I am now at 285!! That's 50 pounds down. There is allot more to go but there is no rush!

Friday, June 21, 2013

just a quick note...

have not been on much. I only have my phone so I don't visit the blog much.

Today was another weigh in... I came in at 300.7!!!! So close to being under 300!!! That is 40.8 lbs lost in a little over a year! :)

This week I also signed up to have a coach, she is my cousin's wife. She is taking clients that are not close by, who can't make her classes. She will be giving my nutrition tips each week and work outs for each week. I also have to keep in touch with her and tell her what I am eating. 

Hope things are going well out there! Keep it up.

Just one more thing I love the way I feel after working out. Also can feel the energy change already!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The road ahead

So this week I decided to join the single mommy weight loss group. It's a 7 week challenge to lose or maintain weight. I also added my fitness pal to my phone and have been at it all week. I am very proud of my interest of looking up the calories before I eat something. If you want to add me I am souffle86. Yes a food related name but also my cats name. Later I thought of soontobeskinnycakes... lol.
I had been thinking of using some of my tax refund to buy an exercise bike thinking I would buy one of those 200 dollar ones. I started taking to a friend who had just bought one her's cost her $1,600!!!!! That is not what I was thinking... While I was texting her a coworker posted one on the area's for sale site. I said I was interested and had some questions. She was selling it for $475 and 5 years old with about 100 miles on it. It's a very nice bike. I bought it and brought it home tonight with the help of my dad. I then needed to test it out and did a 20 min ride, I traveled 4.4 miles! I am hoping with spending so much money that it will also make me use it more. Right now it is in the basement but hoping after A's party this week I could move it upstairs.

When we were leaving the gals place she said "your be fit in no time". I said good but now really thinking about it, It does not have to be fast. I am ready for a long road ahead. It's not going to be easy. I am fine with it taking the whole 3 years to lose about 160 pounds. I want this to be a life change not a fast fix. My goal is to be down to around 150 to 175. It will depend on when I get there and what I look like and feel like. When I reach that goal we will be going to Disney World and be riding all those fun rides!

I am really proud of myself watching serving size. Yes you can have chips but only have the 21 chips per serving!!! I don't want to say "no you can't have that" it's only going to make me want it more.  I also have worked out 3 times this week. Yes only for 20 min. but it's allot better then sitting on the couch.   On a ending note down to 314.1. My small goal right now it to be under 300 by the end of June. That's 5lbs a month but with my fitness pal it should be about 8 a month. Both ways I am fine with.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's been awhile

Hi. Sorry I know I have been away for awhile. I just stepped on the scale and it says 323.3. Nothing big has happened in the past 6 months. Gone on a few dates. Met a few guys. Just meet a new one in the new year and so far it's going good. Hope things are well.

Monday, July 16, 2012

told the diet to go fuck it self

Ha so bad week Just did not care. I am now at 332. whatever. This week I will be better again!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

gained this week.

So I gained 1.6 this week. So at 331.7. That just means I have to watch what I eat a little better. This past week was bad with me working earlier hours and my sister not being around much and holiday so eat bad. I know it is coming and I know I need to start doing more exercising. My other goal is to start putting the fork down between bits and not stuffing my mouth full and then chewing. Have a great week all!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

yeah yeah I know I am late again.

Give me a break I am a single mom! Ha lol. No Sunday I forgot till I was in bed and then yesterday A would not go to bed for me. O and I kind of felt like what is the point when no one is reading this but I have to do this for me. So tonight I really did not want to wight myself but I did. Drum roll please.....330.1!!!! Heck yes another 3 down. I have to say I think I need to thank my sister for helping me eat better! Thanks K. J.  Ok let's see if next week we can do better.